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  Le Ngondo

 Révérend Père Meinrad Hebga

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Mythology of MBOG (du NGUM, NGUE au MBOG)

Nine elders: NGOK, MBOG, NJEL, MBANG, MBAN, NGAA, NSAA, BIAS, BUWE and their wives, respectivelly, KIWOM, KINDAP, KINUN, KIHEK, KINOM, KINYEMB, KI`HISI, KINDOK, and KIYIKII, came out of NGOK-LITUBA (the Alesed Rock). They are the elders of the Kameru

Nine elders: NGOK, MBOG, NJEL, MBANG, MBAN, NGAA, NSAA, BIAS, BUWE and their wives, respectivelly, KIWOM, KINDAP, KINUN, KIHEK, KINOM, KINYEMB, KI`HISI, KINDOK, and KIYIKII, came out of NGOK-LITUBA (the Alesed Rock). They are the elders of the Kamerun Bassaa


NaN spells story. When it comes to history, the word used is MBOG. ME M´POT MBOG can also mean "I tell the history of my people."

What is this history?

First one does not tell the history of the Bassa people in the wrong attire. The applicable laws require that one wears the traditional gown of Bassa people to talk about the Mbog Bassa. These things came long ago. It´s not for me, or you, to change them. They were passed on to me so that they may guide me in my life. I shall hand them on when my time to depart from this plane arrives.


Um Nyobe asked us to have great pride in the Mbog Bassa, our history and our tradition, and to derive our unity from our historic role in the creation or contribution to such ancient centers of civilization as AdBassa, Rifum, Kororafa, Axum, and Kush. If we call ourselves IBANAN BON BA DJOB, the children of the Almighty, it´s because we know that we are the children of the Almighty, by virtue of a sacred genealogy.

Traditionally, my name is Nouk Bassomb Batama Nsom Bixok Njem Bian Hisee Koti Ngon Gwek bi Ko´oy bi Ndombi i Gwaxoo bi Mode Sop i Manal ma Mban i Ngok Lipondo. 22 generations! If a generation is 25 years, then the ancestor princeps of Bassa people who settled in Kamerun appeared there six centuries before the death of Um Nyobe (b.d. Um). [As you read on, you will realize that Um Nyobe, the Mpodol, is for the Mbog Bassa what Jesus-Christ is for Christians and that the Mbog´s modern calendar, in reference, begins with Um Nyobe´s death. As a result, the year 2,000 after the death of Christ is 42 after the death of Um Nyobe, the Mpodol, and shall be abbreviated a.d.Um.]  


Nine elders: NGOK, MBOG, NJEL, MBANG, MBAN, NGAA, NSAA, BIAS, BUWE and their wives, respectivelly,

KIWOM, KINDAP, KINUN, KIHEK, KINOM, KINYEMB, KI´HISI, KINDOK, and KIYIKII, came out of NGOK-LITUBA (the Alesed Rock) and settled in the area known today as Bassaland. They are the elders of the Kamerun Bassa people.


Nine years prior to that day, their father, NANGA NANGA NGE NANGA and his family entered the cave of the Alesed Rock chased by the troops of the Jihad. A spider wove a web at the entrance of the cave. When their pursuers arrived there, they continued their pursuit, stating to themselves that "If the infidels had entered the cave, they´d have destroyed the web." If, since that day, Bassa people ask their children to respect spiders, it´s in recognition of this event. A spider saved our ancestors from a sure death, for they´d have chosen death instead of abandoning our original religion: the cult of our ancestors. Those who today would rather count themselves as Christians and adopt the Judeo-Christian calendar, ways and means, instead of the Mbog´s, are simply not worthy of being among the descendants of NANGA NANGA NGE NANGA. If someone asks you "where did you get that, say: ´Nouk says that Bassa people, impermeable to outside ways and means, would rather chose death than abandon the Mbog.´"

But where were Nanga and his followers coming from?

Two hundred years before Nanga, son of Nanga, Bassa people developed an empire around Lake Chad called ADBASSA [short for ADNA I BASSA (Bassa Union)]. This empire lasted three centuries. The Hausa confederations, the Mandara Kingdom, and the Bornu Empire existed in the north, the Yoruba flourished in the west and the Jwi Ejwi reigned in the south.

From the Adbassa Empire remains simply a small group in Nigeria called Bassa-Nge. 

Dictionnaires : Bassa-Français, Français-Bassa et Bassa-Bassa
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Père Meinrad Hebga
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Père Hebga: 80 ans en six étapes
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Hebga tel qu’en lui-même
1. Enfance en famille. Mon feu père Marc Hebga, né vers 1897, avait été élève au petit séminaire de Buea que la première guerre mondiale fit fermer en 1914. Il poursuivit ses études dans une bonne école, et se vit proposer la fonction de gérant d’une...

Hebga tel qu’en lui-même (suite)
2. L’impact sur moi du petit séminaire. 3. Formation pour le sacerdoce au Grand Séminaire. 4. Trinité, Trinité, harmonie de ma vie ! 5. Pierre Meinrad Hebga : un Jésuite Africain...

Hebga tel qu’en lui-même (suite et fin)
6. Supérieur régional...

Le Père Hebga est mort
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Meinrad Pierre Hebga Biographie
Meinrad Pierre Hebga né le 31 mars 1928 à Edea, au Cameroun des parents catéchistes...

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Source: Le Messager

Origines Historiques: NGOG LITUBA, ou berceau originel
Les Elog Mpoo sont un ensemble de clans, familles ou peuples qui se partagent une histoire commune......

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