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  Le Ngondo


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The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. To 2000 A.D. By: Chancellor Williams

This classic bestseller documents the development, highlights, contributions, and eventual downfall of black African civilizations. From Ethiopia (Egypt), to Ghana, to Kuba, historian Chancellor Williams chronicles the lives and times of proud, indus

The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. To 2000 A.D.

By: Chancellor Williams


This classic bestseller documents the development, highlights, contributions, and eventual downfall of black African civilizations. From Ethiopia (Egypt), to Ghana, to Kuba, historian Chancellor Williams chronicles the lives and times of proud, industrious peoples and the societies they built and in which they thrived.

More than just a retelling of popular black African history from the point of view of the black populations so often marginalized and rarely acknowledged, Destruction of Black Civilization is characterized by marked detail to the often ignored black African revered figures of antiquity, prosperous kingdoms, and economic, social and political structures that predetermined the development of Western economic, social and political structure. In these pages one will find unmatched and carefully crafted and documented scholarly historical discourse on the growth of black African states such as Ethiopia, great and powerful empires like Mali and Songhay, and venerable rulers, such as Queen Nzinga. Equal detail and attention are given to the discussion of the elements which led to the downfall of these black civilizations, and the literal erasing of the black African--in antiquity and the present--from the critical worldview stage.

This honest, sober text seeks neither to blame nor absolve any particular set of people; nor does it attempt to oversimplify the complex social, political, and economic factors that led to the eventual destruction of black African civilization. The book does not serve as simply a catalogue of obscure human accomplishment and glorified crime, as Williams offers critical commentary on and possible solutions for redressing the peril in which the black African world has found itself for decades. This is a necessary work for any beginning or serious scholar or student of black and African history.

Price:   $17.95
ISBN:    0-88378-030-5
Edition: Paper
Length:  388 pages

An American Dilemma - The Negro Problem and modern Democracy
Black/Africans still do no understand the way they are perceived by the White Power Structure (The Racists). This book outlines the plan. CLR James critics are still valid. We urge you to read that book to understand what`s going on....

Languages & Dialects spoken in Cameroon
A compilation of SIL International 1996 and Atlas Linguistique du Cameroun 1983....

Angela Davis parle : «Continuer la lutte»
Militante féministe et icône vivante des luttes des communautés africaines américaines et des combats pour la liberté humaine, cette femme noire née en 1944 dans l’Alabama en pleine ségrégation dure aux USA deviendra une des voix les plus écoutées de...

Histoire et Conscience Nègre , par Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Notre dette à nous qui avons été envoyés pour nous équiper au contact de l’Occident, est très lourde à l’égard de nos compatriotes. Ils attendent de nous que nous témoignions pour les nôtres, que nous les aidions à se situer dans un monde en pleine é...

"The United Independent Compensatory Code: A Text Book/Work Book for Victims of Racism/White Supremacy. (1969)". "The Code." Neely Fuller Jr.
"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism)-what it is, and how it works-everything else that you understand will only confuse you". Neely Fuller Jr....

The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors
... the first global power system of mass oppression is the power system of racism (white supremacy). Once the collective victim (non-white population) understands this fundamental issue, the ultimate organizing of all of the appropriate behaviors ne...

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney 1973
“This work was path-breaking in the way in which it analyzed the impact of slavery on the communities and the interrelationship between societies of the region and on the ecology of the region.”...

Who Betrayed The African World Revolution? And other speeches By: John Henrik Clarke
This collection of speeches covers an array of topics from the contributions of Nile Valley civilizations to the future of Pan-Africanism in the twenty-first century....

NGOM Gilbert: Un pionnier de la Kamitude (Valorisation de la Civilisation Noire de l’Ancienne Egypte)
Le Pr. NGOM, l’un de ceux qu’on pourrait appeler dans la culture négro-égyptienne «Le Suivant de Diop», comme les Africains de l’époque pharaonique parlaient des «Suivants d’Horus», poursuit inlassablement l’œuvre du savant Cheikh Anta Diop...

Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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