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  Le Ngondo


"The United Independent Compensatory Code: A Text Book/Work Book for Victims of Racism/White Supremacy. (1969)". "The Code." Neely Fuller Jr.

"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism)-what it is, and how it works-everything else that you understand will only confuse you". Neely Fuller Jr.

Neely Fuller Jr. is an African American man who wrote:
"The United Independent Compensatory Code: A Text Book/Work Book for Victims of Racism/White Supremacy. (1969)". This book is also referred to by some as "The Code."

Fuller defines White Supremacy as a system that dominates all non-white people "in the known universe" in nine areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war. The Code also states that there are, logically speaking, only three major classifications of people: white, non-white, and white supremacists. The Code is one of the sources of inspiration for "The Isis Papers" written by Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing.

Fuller´s book also recommends "Ten (10) Basic Stops" that he thinks non-white people should employ in order to minimize intra-racial conflict:

1. Stop "Snitching"

2. Stop "Name-Calling"

3. Stop "Cursing"

4. Stop Gossiping

5. Stop Being Discourteous

6. Stop Stealing

7. Stop Robbing

8. Stop Fighting

9. Stop Killing

10. Stop Squabbling Among Yourselves and Asking Racists (White Supremacists) to Settle Your Problems

Neely Fuller Jr. continues to lecture in and around Washington, DC and other areas in order to discuss the affects of racism and to come up with practical and logical solutions for dealing with racially-charged situations. The goal of his efforts, and of the "The Code", is to "replace white supremacy with justice" for all people, in all areas of people activity, on Earth.

I, Neely Fuller Jr. , the writer/author of this book, have been, like millions of others, a long-time Victim Of and Servant To, Racism (White Supremacy) in all areas of activity. 
My experience, observations, and/or studies, have led me to believe the following:
  • Racism, has done more to promote non-justice, than any other socio-material system known to have been produced, or supported, by the people of the known universe.
  • No major problem, that exists between the people of the known universe, can be eliminated until Racism is eliminated.
  • The fear, frustration, malice, and confusion, that is caused by Racism, retards or prevents all constructive activity between the people of the known universe.
  • The only form of functional Racism that exists among the people of the known universe is "White Supremacy."
  • The people who have the ability to eliminate Racism do not have the will to do so, and, the people who have the will to do so, do not have the ability.
  • Regardless of all that has been said or done, the quality of the relationship(s) between white people and black people is, and has been, a total disaster.
  • Justice is better than Racism.
  • As long as Racism exists, anything said, or done by people, that is not intended to help eliminate Racism, and to help produce justice, is a waste of time/energy.
Each and every Victim of Racism should minimize the time and effort spent doing anything other than, thinking, speaking, and acting, in a manner that helps to eliminate Racism, and helps to establish justice.  Each and every person should seek to do this, every day, in every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.


Quotes from "The Code" and from Lectures

"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism)-what it is, and how it works-everything else that you understand will only confuse you".

"Not all white people are white supremacists (racists), but you do have to be white in order to be a racist (white supremacist). This is a choice that white people make, to participate in a system that was in place when they were born, or, to participate in replacing the system of racism (white supremacy) with a system of justice."

"Justice meaning, guaranteeing that no person is mistreated and also guaranteeing that the person that needs help the most gets the most help."

"Replace white supremacy with justice".

"Follow the logic!"



Cress Welsing, Frances. (1991) The Isis Papers; The keys to the colors Chicago: Third World Press.

Fuller, N. (1969). The united independent compensatory code/system/concept Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.

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