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  Le Ngondo


   ISUBU (Tribu) 
The predominant Isubu belief tells of a man named Isuwu na Monanga who led their migration to the west bank of the Wouri estuary. When a descendant of Isuwu named Mbimbi became king, the people began to refer to their territories as Bimbia. While this narrative still has Isuwu La Monanga as the ancestor of the Isubu, it nonetheless refers to an Isubu migration to the West bank of River Wouri in Duala territory. There is a second Duala narrative which states that the Isubu trace their origins t
 Pays D'origine:    Cameroun
 Pays:    Cameroun

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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