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  Le Ngondo



Compte rendu de la visite du NGONDO au canton BONAMBELA 

The assembly which ceremoniously welcomed the traditional chiefs in colours and sounds from drums had a great moment of joy and ecstasy. In perfect harmony with this youth that is in quest of its cultural identity, be it in traditional wrestling competition (Besua) or in the beauty contest (Tôlé). Very exciting moments that brought back the collective memories many years back when the sawa ancestors fought hard against adversity. This is a picture of the different theatrical articulations that took place at the Bonambela canton.

In the colours of PMUC, official sponsor of Ngondo 2005, the yard of Lycée Akwa North was majestically dressed, shinning in bright colours, set in green and white, attributes of this citizen’s enterprise which is very much engaged as far as culture and social activities are concerned. PMUC was truly the main supporter of the Ngondo thanks to its very appreciated sponsoring. The evening, which was both sober and fairy, was also marked by the burning flames that fall within a context in which the real and unreal mix up.

A setting in which the muffled rhythm of bells raises consciences and brings back memories of the ancestral era, as well as the past existence of Ngondo, some 300 years ago. From the onset, it is the Chief of Bonamoussadi who addressed himself to the assembly of the sawa people followed by cheers and songs from the Essew’a Jengou group. The representative of Chief Din Dicka Akwa III paid particular homage to his peers and to the assembly, expressing the wish that quarrelling, jealousy and hatred should henceforth be avoided. That they should instead be replaced by the culture of love. The performance of the "Abele" dance group of Ngando Picket, the flute and harmonica player the young fisher of “bunja” (casting or net) were very much outstanding. The spectacle was captivating and the crowd exulted. The atmosphere was dipped in the natural and supernatural. The “Bonaku” chanted and rallied the unity of the Bonambela canton. Later on, there was an explanation of the theme of Ngondo 2005 “Bolo o Munja” meaning “everybody at work while paddling in the same direction”.

The ceremony reached its climax when the young ladies (Tôlé) and young men entered the scene to compete in order to become the miss and champion (Tôlé and Ngum). At the end of the evening, from well defined criteria, made by the organizing committee, the best were known. In the ladies, Kwedi Eboa will represent the Bonambela canton in the “Eyombwe” contest, while in the men, Ndoumbe Koum distinguished himself as the wresting champion and will represent the Bonambela canton in the great final at Parc des Princes, Bali (Bell canton). At the end of the day, the last recommendations with respect to the Ngondo were made by Mr Henri Manga.

With the Bonambela canton, the 2005 tour of the sawa cantons is opened.

Source Photo:  © Makuna Tande

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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