Francoise Mbango Etone, The Bulldozer
Françoise Mbango Etone devient championne olympique du triple saut dames des jeux Olympiques, lundi 23 août 2004 à Athènes. Âgée de 30 ans et médaillée d´argent aux Mondiaux de 2001 et 2003, Françoise Mbango Etone est la première Africaine à entrer au palmarès de cette discipline qui a été accueillie au sein du giron olympique en 1996. Elle améliore son record personnel de 25 centimètres.
Date de naissance : 14 avril 1976 Lieu de naissance : Cameroun 1,76 m, 64 kg Jeux Olympiques: Triple saut, 1ère (2004) Championnats du monde: Triple saut, 2e (2003, 2001) Championnats du monde en salle: Triple saut, 2e (2003)
Francoise Mbango´s life and carrier are far from being a long calm flowing river. The Cameroonian triple jumper to be 30 soon had to show courage and abnegation to attain the objective she had set for herself since her childhood, namely, becoming a great champion and honouring her country. This she did in 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece by winming the gold medal in triple jump.
Actually, this title came as the culminatian of an acknowledged talent. Indeed, Mbango had previously made other great achievements. !n 2001 and 2003, she was the world outdoor vice champion in triple jump and world indoor vice champion in 2003. She had also emerged Africa champion in triple jump and long jump before. Besides, she is holder of the African record in triple jump (15.30 m), a performance she kept improving throughout the past years.
In 2005, President Paul Biya decorated her as Officer of Order of Valour.
Francoise Mbango who is a courageous and resolved athlete is also very outspoken as she would not hesitate to deliver her message and defend her positions. Because of her unshakable attachment to her country, she rejected proposals from foreign countries, including France that wanted to recruit her. Yet, she took everybody by surprise when she refused to partieipate in the world athletics championships, Helsinki 2005 for alleged personal reasons. This withdrawal was considered by many as the end of the champion´s carrier. However, Mbango is of a different view as she expects to bounce back. She already has the Beijing 2008 Olympics in mind. And for those who know this extraordinary character, there are reasons to keep expecting. Mbango´s dream is focused on breaking the triple jump record (15.50 m) currently held by Inessa Kravets of Ukraine. No doubt, Francoise Mbango is fund of challenges and this one is just amongst some others she met before.
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