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  Le Ngondo



The Lost Prophet of the Bible "Enoch The Ethiopian" 

Enoch, the Ethiopian, Patriarch and Prophet, Greater than Abraham, Holier than Moses, is the first perfect human being in the Bible and the first ~ man according to Moses the lawgiver. (Gen. 5:18, 22, 24) And yet he has been kept a secret until the printing of this revealing book. The Bible states that only three men ascended body, mind and soul into heaven. Enoch was the first. Elijah was the second and Jesus Christ was the third. Enoch, however is unique. He was the first to have both walked with, and to have ascended into heaven without experiencing death. Enoch lived such a righteous life that he did not die. Enoch, the son of Jared, the seventh seed of Adam, the great grandfather of Noah, father of Methuselah This prophetic man, an outstanding spiritual leader before the Biblical flood, is the most towering biblical character in history whose flawless credentials and heavenly achievements are recounted by Moses. The greatest Biblical revelation since the discovery of the dead sea scrolls.

Book of Enoch - Introduction

I have based this book on Michael A. Knibb´s scholarly translation of the Ethiopian manuscripts, (The Ethiopic Book of Enoch, Oxford University Press), which I believe to be the best translation currently available.
I first heard about the Book of Enoch a few years ago, while I was researching into ´End of Days´ prophesies. When I finally managed to get hold of a copy, I discovered that it was a very strange and unusual book.
The first time I read it I was sceptical and somewhat puzzled; I wondered who would have written an odd book like this.
I knew that Enoch, (Hanokh in Hebrew), was very favourably mentioned in Genesis, and I discovered that Enoch´s book describes the Exodus and Moses very favourably (although not by name).
So my first theory was that it might have been written around the same time as the Torah, perhaps around 1400 BC. However, after several readings I could find no plausible theories. The prophecy of the animals is extremely precisely written and obviously refers to events well after Moses (see my notes on that chapter). Additionally; who would have dared to produce a book with people such as Moses described in terms of farm animals?
Michael Knibb, whose translation I have used to produce this book, studied all available manuscripts and sources, and it is clear that this book was well known and studied in many countries well before the time of Jesus. The earliest known surviving fragments and quotations in various languages show that this is the same book, and that the Ethiopians have preserved it well.
In the end I was convinced that the book is really Enoch´s true account of otherwise forgotten events that occurred in early times; events that we have no other surviving records of.
Enoch left us a book that describes people of an advanced culture The Watchers; blond-haired people that Enoch´s people considered to be Angels of God, and it was written on the instruction of the Watchers.
The standard academic view seems to be that some slightly demented religious fanatic wrote the book - not long before the earliest provable fragments, (200 or 300BC). I think it is impossible to support this view. Such an author would have to be able to write the entire book from the point of view of a person who knows nothing of countries with names, or religions with names. Then he goes on to describe the Angels as blond men, who ran away from Heaven in order to be promiscuous with women. I don´t believe this is the sort of world view that would have been well received or widely accepted anywhere in 200 BC. This plus the all too accurate prophecies are probably the reasons why it was ´lost´ by the religions that used to regard it as holy.
I concluded that the book is probably what it appears to be - well preserved, ancient and genuine. Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah, and the father of Methuselah, and his book gives a unique view of the world before the flood - probably around 9,000 BC. The name Sumeria meant ´Land of the Watchers´ so Enoch probably lived in the area that is now Iraq.

The History of The Book of Enoch

The book was thought to have been lost, for over 2,000 years, with many ancient sources referring to it, and even quoting parts, but no complete copies were known. Then in 1773, James Bruce brought three copies back from Ethiopia, having spent some years exploring the country.
Enoch had two main reasons for writing his book. The first was because the Watchers instructed him to do it, (see section 15 at 81.5 and 81.6). The second reason; was to save his family from the flood.
Enoch wrote his book, after his grandson Lamech was born, but before Noah was born. Noah is only named in the section that Methuselah wrote, (see section 10 at 107.3), and of course in his own section (section 11, The Book of Noah). So, there may still have been 40 - 80 years left before the flood, at the time when Enoch wrote his book.
There is a long gap between the time of the flood and the time when Moses gave praise to Enoch in Genesis. Genesis dates from around 1400 BC, and forms part of the Torah (the first five books of the bible).
In Genesis, there is Enoch´s family; as named by him in this book, and a quick recap of some of Enoch´s story.
It seems likely therefore, that copies of the Book of Enoch survived into Egyptian times, 3500 BC, and was known to Moses around 2,000 years later.
Moses presumably took a copy of the book with him when they all left Egypt, and he was no doubt pleased to see Enoch´s prophecy fulfilled.
The book probably existed mainly in Hebrew during the thousand years after the exodus. No Hebrew copies exist today, however, although there are some Hebrew passages quoted in some of the Aramaic fragments that survive from a few centuries BC.
The appearance of the book in Ethiopia, is probably due to events in Jerusalem during the reign of King Manasseh of Judah, (695 - 642 BC), which are documented in the Bible, (2Chronicles 33:1 - 20, and at 2Kings 21:1 - 18).
King Manasseh was not of the Jewish faith, he erected alters to Baal and Asherah in Solomon´s Temple. In Kings at 21:16, it says that so much innocent blood was shed that it filled Jerusalem from end to end. At this time, the religious establishment left the country, taking the Ark of the Covenant and all the important religious texts with them.
After a number of years in Egypt, the refugees went further south, near to the source of the Nile, at Lake Tana in Ethiopia. The descendants of these people are the Falashas, who even today follow the form of Judaism that had been practiced in Israel only before 620 BC. The Ethiopians translated The Book of Hanokh into Ge´ez, and had enough respect to look after it.
Meanwhile, all Hebrew versions disappeared but a substantial part of the book had survived in Greek, and some parts in Aramaic, but until Scottish traveler, and freemason, James Bruce, returned from Ethiopia in 1773, with three manuscripts, no one in the west had ever seen the whole book.
The two commonly available translations were done soon after this and the book was received with an embarrassed silence, for the most part, and not widely read.
This book is based on a new translation published in 1978, which was produced as a result of research into a large number of the Ethiopian manuscripts and a review of all other surviving fragments. My hope is that this present edition will be the best version of Enoch´s book available in English.
I think this is an important book, and I have done my best to present it as clearly as possible, and in a way that I hope Hanokh would have approved of.

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