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  Le Ngondo



Kumba Traditional Council Want GRA Land Refunded. By Olive Ejang Tebug, PostNewsLine. 

Former Chairman of the Traditional Council, Kwo William Makolo, appealed on the issue to Meme SDO, Magloire Abath Zangbwala, at the Palace of Nfon VE Mukete, the Paramount ruler of the Bafaws, April 17.

Makolo complained that the Bafaws, out of good will, freely allocated part of their land, Kumba Station, to government officials, for the development of the town but some government workers converted it for selfish gains.

The former council chair said government officials continue to sell this land to non-natives at exorbitant prices against the wishes of the Bafaws, who do not even have land on which to settle.

He said that in spite of their traditional council sending a delegation to Yaounde to resolve the matter, things have not changed.The councillors begged Zangbwala to use his office and end the practice, which is stalling peace in Kumba.

The SDO chided the Bafaws for claiming to recover a land they have given out. Zangbwala told the councillors that, if he were in their place, he would forget about the land since it had been given out as a gift.

A cross-section of Bafaw elites, who spoke to The Post requesting anonymity, criticised the SDO for mocking them in the face of an important issue that brings division between natives and non-natives.

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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