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  Le Ngondo



Que signifie l´expression AMBASS BEY? 

Lisez ce document, que nos frères de Bakwerland ont en premier référencé dans leur site. C´est le chapître IX d´un livre en deux volumes, que l´auteur - un soit disant explorateur de l´époque - a publié. Comme toujours, nous conseillons aux membres de le "consomer" avec caution. Prenez seulement des anecdotes historiques qui nous éclaircissent sur le passé. Les pensées de ces gens-là étant en général contraires à nos besoins.

Le terme AMBASS BAY (Bay of Amboises en Anglais, et Tierra Alta de Ambozes en Portugais) désigne plutot toute la baie du golfe de Guinnée.

En outre, le document nous revèle la vraie désignation du MONT CAMEROUN.

Téléchargez le document entier (en Anglais svp) de la rubrique TELECHARGEMENT.


The mountainous district in which the Bay of Amboises is situated, was formerly called by the Portuguese, Tierra Alta de Ambozes, according to Mr. John Grazilhier, who made a voyage to Old Kalabar in 1699.
The native name for the highest part of the mountain is Mongo-ma-Lobah, but at the back or further inland, it is called Mokali-ma-Pako. The isolated peak near the bay, about five thousand feet high, is Mongo-m´Etindeh. The summit of the principal mountain, rising thirteen thousand feet above the level of the sea, was often lighted up most brilliantly by the morning sun, while the deep shadows thrown across its base involved all the lower parts in gloom, hiding the deep ravines which furrow its rugged sides. Although at a distance, this noble mountain appears to rise by one continuous and somewhat abrupt slope from the sea, on a closer view, it is found to consist of a sucession of hills with intervening valleys of the richest soil, covered to within a third of the summit by beautiful forest trees, which are also seen fringing the still higher ravines. The remainder is clothed with grass, which becomes more scanty, as the colour which approaches the reddish brown of the ashes near the cone, sufficiently indicates.

The volcanic origin of the whole of this district, is strongly marked by the scoria and numerous streams of lava which have reached the sea. From the present condition of its surface, one might suppose it to have been for ages in a state of repose; but there is reason to believe it sometimes betrays its latent fires. Mr. Lilly, who has known the mountain many years, assured us he had seen flames near the summit. This might be accounted for by the practice of the natives, who burn the grass in the dry season for the purpose of catching the wild animals, which they style "bush-meat;" but several of the principal natives of Bimbia declared, that about three years previous to our visit, that is about 1839, "fire came out of the ground;" they said, "God made it;" in contradistinction to that caused by the burning of the grass. "They all saw it; and at Mongo, they felt the earth shake like a steam-boat." " The people there feared it would kill them all."

This, coupled with the name of the mountain, Mongo-ma-Lobah, or God’s Mountain, offers a reason for supposing it might be the "chariot of the gods" of Hanno, the Carthaginian. He says, in the Periplus, "we discorered at night a country full of fire. In the middle was a lofty fire, larger than all the rest, which seemed to touch the stars. When day came, we discovered it to be a, large hill, called Teonochema,- the Chariot of the Gods."

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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