Technology is the Root of All Evil - by Dr. Philip Emeagwali
Technology is the Root of All Evil & Technology Widens Rich-Poor Gap. Technology in the hands of others has been used to exploit Africa for centuries. But now it`s time for Africa to grasp technology and embrace the modern age’s clay of wisdom and a... [Dikalo la Mboa Sawa][14.01.2008][37974 hits][0 R ]
Kaba Days Are Here; By Poubum Lamy Ney
Western men may enjoy their three-piece suits, and their women, whatever, while Africans look most forma l in their three-piece "agwada" - or the like. And the three-piece "sanjà" is highly reserved for their ebony women. In formal dressing
... [PostNewsLine][04.06.2007][38033 hits][0 R ]
Joseph Nzo Ekangaki
Au bout d`une année de maladie, Nzo Ekangaki est décédé à Yaoundé, sans parler, ni écrire. Comme Moussa Yaya, Charles Assale, Théodore Mayi Matip, Samuel Kame, Dooh Kinguè, Paul soppo Priso, John Ngu Foncha et bien d`autres personnalités qui ont guid... [][10.01.2007][42914 hits][0 R ]
The Highlife Music, predecessor of modern African Music
In 1948, Mensah formed the Tempos whose songs in English, Twi, Ga, Fante, Ewe, Efik and Hausa seduced admirers as far away as England. In 1956, Mensah`s career reached a peak when he performed with the great Louis Armstrong in Ghana. With the rise of... [][29.08.2006][48873 hits][1 R ]
The story of Highlife
Ghanaian Highlife, one of the oldest popular music styles of Africa, emerged in the 1880s. Its influence spread to other African countries such as Sierra Leone, the Congo and Nigeria.... [][29.08.2006][37237 hits][0 R ]
The Bakossi people occupy an area of more than 3,000 square kilometers on the slopes of the Bakossi mountains, Mt. Kupe, Mt Mwanenguba and Mt Nlonako... [][17.06.2006][34621 hits][0 R ]
Bakossi Cultural and Development Association in the USA
An elite of the Bakossis in Kupe Muanenguba Division, Prof. Elvis Ngolle Ngolle, has called on the Bakossi Cultural and Development Association in the United States of America, BACDA-USA, to work with foreign organisations to market the culture, tour... [][23.10.2005][45123 hits][2 R ]
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