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  Le Ngondo

Akwa Prince Mpondo

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Juillet 1902. Mpondo Akwa, chef de la délégation du NGONDO au Reich Allemand
Dès son retour en 1911, une procédure sommaire et expéditive le fit condamner à la déportation à Banyo d’abord, à Ngaoundéré ensuite. Un jour d’Août 1914, les colons allemands le fusillent lâchement....
[Dikalo la Mboa Sawa][07.07.2007][36389 hits][0 R ]

Aftermath of the Trial
Mpondo Akwa made one escape attempt, but was intercepted just before he crossed the border to Nigeria and was reimprisoned.
He is presumed to have been shot for subversion in August 1914....
[][22.10.2006][33365 hits][0 R ]

Dr. Moses Levi´s four children were all able to emigrate. His wife, Betty Levi, after whom a street in Altona is now named, was not. She was deported to Auschwitz on July 11, 1942....
[][22.10.2006][30722 hits][0 R ]

Mpondo´s Reply
Mpondo Akwa`s entrance on the first day of the trial made a rich impression on the press. The Hamburger Fremdenblatt described Mpondo as "elegantly dressed according to the newest fashion," and "very skilled in German."...
[][19.10.2006][40418 hits][0 R ]

The Charges
Mpondo Akwa was charged with eight counts of fraud and with fraudulently using the title of nobility....
[][19.10.2006][38341 hits][0 R ]

Dr. Levi´s Defense
Dr. Levi`s principal defense in the trial was to prove that Mpondo did not knowingly rack up debt that he could not repay. Aware of the danger that race could become the main issue of the case...
[][19.10.2006][37768 hits][0 R ]

The Story of Mpondo Akwa (1905): Overview of the Legal Context
After Mpondo`s father, the former King Dika Akwa, signed the treaty with Gustav Nachtigal, he and Mpondo`s mother, Bekenne Akwa, daughter of “King” Bell...
[][16.10.2006][54089 hits][2 R ]

The Story of Mpondo Akwa (1905): Background to the Trial
Mpondo was one of the first group of young men sent from the German colonies to Germany to be educated in German language and social pattems.[King Bell also had two of his sons educated in Germany. His eldest son, Rudolf Duala Manga Bell...
[][16.10.2006][46725 hits][0 R ]

The Story of Mpondo Akwa (1905): Dr. Moses Levi of Altona defending Prince Mpondo from Kamerun
On 27 June 1905, Prince Mpondo Akwa found himself in front of the criminal court in Altona being tried for eight counts of fraud and for fraudulently using the title of nobility. He was acquitted the same day....
[][12.10.2006][49925 hits][1 R ]

Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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